“The character of a man can be defined by the struggles in which he endures, his integrity will be defined by the manner in which he responds.”

-Bobby Mesmer



Bobby Mesmer, CEO of RMG Erectors & Constructors, LLC, the world's largest Pre-Engineered Metal Building Erector Company, is a highly successful entrepreneur. In addition to RMG Erectors & Constructors, LLC, Mesmer is also the founder and CEO of Iron Will Racing, LLC a professional prototype race team, and RMG Luxury Services, LLC a new startup providing Black car SUV and luxury Jet services to the national market, created to disrupt the current market sector. 

Mesmer was born and raised in Southern New Jersey. He grew up in the farmlands of the Garden State, just outside of Philadelphia. He made his first foray into business when he started his construction management and general construction firm in the year 2000. Fast forward to 2016, when he was faced with immense adversity when his largest client defrauded him to the tune of two million dollars. Facing lawsuits from banks and angry vendors, Bobby had to dip into his reserves to pay out $1.5 million to settle and satisfy banks and vendors, turning that into a $3.5 million loss, leaving him with no reserves, no income, no contracts and seemingly no ability to move forward.  

Bobby responded to this adversity by changing his business model; he moved into pre-engineered steel building erection. Although he remained based out of New Jersey, his first contract for work in this new field was in Oregon. Committed to this new venture, he focused on the work, and not the money. Scaling his business was done through patience and strategic moves that he likens to playing a game of chess. He made these changes slowly, starting out by personally training his original employees, developing their skills and then bringing in new employees and training them personally and then multiplying them through this process into crews. RMG continues this same process today, focusing on work that sustains the employee base and allows careful and steady growth. The company did indeed grow, along with the money and a new respect and reputation in the business. 

2021 was another season of adversity, but this time, it was personal; a tornado hit his home in September, destroying half of it. In October of the same year, Bobby suffered a heart attack and a stroke, losing all motion to the left side of his body. The physical struggle of the potential of being partially paralyzed gave him the strength and determination to succeed and to leave a legacy, and his unique fingerprint on the business world through his work running RMG, and to his amazing capacity to physically work through therapy, regaining full motion to the left side of his body. 

As of 2024, RMG is the world’s largest pre-engineered steel building erecting firm, erecting over 5 million square feet of buildings each year, 3 million square feet more than his closest competitors. Through the growth of RMG, vertical integration continues by moving it to private label business sales and direct manufacturing, controlling the entire process from raw materials through final warranty.  This integration makes RMG the only company of its kind in this market segment, anywhere in the world.  

“I do all the business development and maintain all the customer relationships. I keep control of the project management and estimating of all work, because, as they say,’it is my name on the door.’” Mesmer chose to be relevant and to succeed.    

Mesmer has developed and sold two other highly successful businesses over the last 15 years. He has a knack for finding and seizing an opportunity through multiple markets. He is extremely focused on driving business success through his hands-on approach with each business at all levels as well as his unique ability to foster a company culture of growth, buy-in, and commitment from every employee who works with him. This personal approach to his leadership has fueled his success and created a strategic niche in each of his businesses.

“I have stayed focused on my long term goals and the empire that is RMG. Through the course of running my business, I found and sought after unique opportunities, and different ways to do business that would disrupt and change the business footprint as it existed. Growing up in the construction industry gave me a unique advantage as well as a unique perspective to the operation and caveats of business as a whole.”

RMG has office locations in Missoula, MT, Sewell, NJ, Franklin, TN and San Jose Costa Rica, with a company valuation of $4 billion dollars, and will grow to $1 billion in revenue in the next 24-36 months. 

Bobby Mesmer has been named a Titan 100 in Philadelphia for the past two years (‘23, ‘24), a national program in 8 markets across the country that recognizes the top 100 CEOs and C-level executives in a region. For the third year in a row, in 2024, RMG has made the, “Inc 5000 List.” 

In his spare time, Mesmer is an avid collector of custom motorcycles, classic cars, and was a race car driver in IMSA, NASCAR, NASA, SCCA and the Trans AM series until he retired from driving in 2023.

    • How to grow your business in the face of adversity

    • How to scale your business sustainably

    • How to find and seize opportunity

    • Personal approach in his leadership has fueled his success and created a strategic niche in each of his businesses

    • Good leaders vs great leaders and how to be the latter

    • Using we instead of I and how that one simple word fosters better employee - employer relationship

    • Unique ability to foster a company culture of growth, buy in and commitment from every employee who works with him

    • How to foster your employees to act as partners and being wholly dedicated the company

    • Extremely focused on driving business success through his hands on approach with each business at all levels

    • Expert in identifying market gaps and disrupting Industries

    • Knack for finding and seizing opportunity through multiple markets



Where to find 


March 25, 2024

March 26, 2024

May 13-15, 2024




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From Financial Setback to $4 Billion Business Leader, How Bobby Mesmer turned a $3.5 Million loss into a $4 Billion Empire.

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